Jingwei Reclamation

【Myths & Legends】Time:2023-01-06      Source:iNews      Views:443

The incarnation of tenacity

"Jingwei Reclamation" is one of the ancient Chinese myths and stories, recorded in "Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing" and "Shu Yi Ji". People in the world often sigh because the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan was swallowed up by the waves of the East China Sea and turned into a Jingwei bird, and the Jingwei bird also sheds hot tears because of the tenacious and persistent spirit of the Jingwei bird transporting wood and stone from the West Mountains to fill the East China Sea. In later generations, people often used the term "Jingwei to reclaim the sea" as a metaphor for the arduous and remarkable undertakings undertaken by people with lofty ideals. Legend has it that Emperor Yan had a daughter named Nvwa, who was smart, lively, lovely, and beautiful. Emperor Yan liked her very much. One day, when she was walking out of the small village to play with friends, she saw an older child riding a small child as a horse. The children were all tired and lay down, and the older children refused to give up. The girl walked over, pointed at the big boy's forehead and angrily said, "You are too bad. Bullying children is nothing. If you have the strength to fight tigers and bears, people will call you a hero." The baby is a little girl, born weak and weak, and doesn't take her seriously at all. He jumped off the child's back, walked up to the girl and said, "I am the son of the Dragon King, who are you? How dare you control me!" The girl said, "What's so great about the son of the Dragon King, I'm still Emperor Yan. As for my daughter, in the future, you will seldom go to the land to scatter wild, and be careful that I will hang you on a tree to dry."


The Dragon King's son said, "I'll let you know how good I am first, and then don't mind the little master's business." Then he started to fight. The girl has followed her father up the mountain to hunt since she was a child. She is very flexible in her hands and feet, and her strength is not small. Seeing that the other party is rude and rude, she does not show weakness. The son of the Dragon King stood up, refused to admit defeat, punched and hit again, and was punched in the chest by the girl, and he was hit on his back. Seeing that he couldn't beat the girl, the son of the Dragon King had no choice but to return to the sea in despair. A few days later, the girl went swimming in the sea and was having a good time, when the son of the Dragon King happened to find it. He swam over and said to the girl, "I asked you to pick up a bargain on the land that day. Today, you ran to my door. Quickly admit your mistake, or I will cause trouble and drown you." The girl said stubbornly, "I didn't. Wrong, admit what's wrong." Seeing the girl's stubbornness, the son of the Dragon King had no intention of admitting defeat, and immediately stirred the sea, setting off violent winds and waves, and the girl was drowned before she had time to struggle.


The girl was not reconciled to her death, and her soul turned into a bird named "Jingwei". Jingwei has a flower head, white beak, red claws, and is a bit like a crow, and lives in Fajiu Mountain in the north. She was destroyed by the ruthless Haitao, and she thought that others might also be taken away from her young life, so she kept bringing twigs and small stones from the west mountain and threw them into the sea, trying to fill the sea. She flew back and forth endlessly between the West Mountain and the East China Sea. Later generations sympathized with and admired Jingwei, and called it the "Jingwei Bird", "Oath Bird", "Zhi Bird" and "Emperor Girl Sparrow". The spirit of perseverance, not afraid of difficulties, and never giving up until the goal is achieved.
