
Confucius' idea about sustainability

Fantastic China  | 2023-12-15 | Views:7827

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Last week we talked about some of Confucius' insights about agricultural production, but he actually had a more modern idea: sustainability. Surprised? The truth is that everything that is happening today was traced thousands of years ago.

Confucius developed his own ideas in sustainable development and environmentalism, holding that hunting and fishing be carried on in designated seasons, and avoided during the times when animals breed. According to The Analects, while fishing, Confucius used only one hook, instead of having a long line hung with many hooks; and he never shot birds returning to the nest at dusk. Influenced by him, his disciple Bi Ziqi, after assuming office, promulgated decrees that fish of small size should not to be caught. The fishermen, whenever netting small fish, would let them go, alive.
